Defending Democracy: Sandu's Response to Russian Pressure
In an interview with the renowned Russian vlogger Yuri Dudi, President Maia Sandu stated our unwavering commitment to prevent any scenario where Russia might attack the Republic of Moldova.

She underscored our dedication to advancing our Eurointegration plan, emphasising its primary goal of ensuring security, as the European Union fundamentally embodies a peace project.
President Sandu rebutted the notion that conducting the referendum on European accession concurrently with the presidential elections on October 20 would serve as a political manoeuvre to gain an advantage in securing a second mandate.
Furthermore, she refuted another claim made by the Russian vlogger, suggesting that the pilot implementation of postal voting in six states during the presidential elections and referendum would favour the current government.
When questioned about the exclusion of the Russian Federation from the countries where postal voting will be piloted, the head of state clarified that the selection of states was based on various criteria.
It is worth noting that journalist and videoblogger Yuri Dudi was listed in the "foreign agents" registry by the Russian Ministry of Justice in 2022, following his condemnation of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. He currently resides outside of Russia.
Translation by Iurie Tataru