Exclusive interview with Oleg Serebrian // The European Union becomes more attractive for the inhabitants of the Transnistrian region
More and more citizens of the Transnistrian region look with sympathy or understanding towards the European Union, declared the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian, in an exclusive interview for Moldova 1. The official considers that this attitude is already an important step. He also argues that the European Union, which currently only has observer status in the reintegration process, should be given full membership in the negotiating format.

"Undoubtedly, the European integration process will affect the economy and society in a positive way. As I was saying, more and more people understand this, especially from the business environment, many young people who study in the West. The fact that more and more young people from the Transnistrian region are going to study in Western Europe, in the European Union is an indicator of this greater attractiveness of the European Union, of the fact that the world on the left side of the Nistru looks with confidence towards this European future" , said Oleg Serebrian.
Economic agents from the Transnistrian region are increasingly attracted to the European Union. In 2023, over 70% of exports and 56% of imports targeted the European Union. Regarding the 5 + 2 negotiation format, which has been blocked since 2019, Oleg Serebrian emphasized that it cannot be resumed due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. Chisinau and Tiraspol are part of the 5+2 format as parties to the conflict, with Russia, Ukraine and the OSCE acting as mediators, while the European Union and the United States have observer status.