
Activist Victor Plescanov, illegally detained since 2022 in a prison in the Transnistrian region, has been released. Chisinau's call to Tiraspol

Civic activist Victor Pleșcanov, illegally imprisoned in June 2022 by the so-called force structures from Tiraspol, was released from prison. The information was confirmed by the Reintegration Policy Office, which welcomed the decision. The constitutional authorities from Chisinau call on Tiraspol to comply with the requests on other individual cases as well.

"The Political Reintegration Bureau welcomes the release from illegal detention of the citizen of the Republic of Moldova Victor Pleșcanov, who was deprived of his liberty on June 10, 2022 by the forces of Tiraspol", announces the Bureau of Reintegration. Chisinau states that Victor Plescanov's case was permanently monitored by the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian. The source mentions that "all possible efforts" have been undertaken, jointly with external partners, for the activist to be released from detention.

"In our appeals, we reiterated the demand for the immediate and unconditional release of the citizen Pleșcanov Victor from illegal detention, the restoration of his fundamental rights and freedoms, and the provision of the necessary medical assistance," the Bureau announced.

Chisinau repeatedly urges Tiraspol to immediately release other citizens of the Republic of Moldova who "are illegally imprisoned and persecuted in the region": Dimov Al., Menzarari S., Dudnic Vl. , Ermurachi M., Malîșev A., Pogorlețchii V. et al. We remind you that, in 2022, Victor Plešcanov was sentenced to prison in the Transnistrian region for "inciting extremism" after he wrote on Facebook "Glory to Ukraine! Death to the Moldovan Dnestrian Republic ". The activist was sentenced to 3 years and 2 months in prison. He was detained in penitentiary no. 3 from Tiraspol.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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