
Political representatives in the Transnistrian settlement process meet in Tighina

The political representatives in the negotiation process for the Transnistrian settlement met in Tighina, at the headquarters of the OSCE Mission from the Republic of Moldova. According to the Reintegration Policy Bureau, Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Serebrian presented, in his message at the beginning of the meeting, the problems faced by the farmers in the Dubăsari district and the Romanian-language educational institutions in the Transnistrian region.

The official also addressed the complicated situation of human rights on the left side of the Nistru, in particular on individual cases of violation of fundamental rights. Also, the security expert Alexandru Flenchea, told us that these meetings are usual and we should not have high expectations from them.

"The concept of these meetings is not ambitious. These are some current problems, more or less important, more or less real, but anyway they do not address the core of the problem, namely the resolution of the Transnistrian conflict. As long as the conflict is unresolved, as long as the country remains divided, as long as part of the territory of our country and 300 thousand citizens of our country remain outside the legislation of the Republic of Moldova, outside constitutional control, these problems will persist. Yes, this meeting may or may not find solutions for some of the current problems, but it does not bring us any closer to solving this conflict", declared Alexandru Flenchea.

We remind that the agenda of today's round of negotiations in the 1+1 format, there are also economic and social topics from the left of the Nistru, the objective of the authorities in Chisinau is the connection of the Transnistrian region to the European integration process, previously said the Deputy Prime Minister for Reintegration.

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