
Chisinau denounces new intentions to destabilize the situation in the Security Zone

The delegation of the Republic of Moldova in the Joint Control Commission (JCC) denounces new intentions to destabilize the situation in the Security Zone. The authorities in Chisinau announce that they were informed on the evening of May 16, just a few hours after the end of the JCC meeting, that the Russian "peacekeeping" forces intend to carry out "movement verification maneuvers of the capabilities of the armored vehicles stationed at the peace keeping posts", between May 17 and June 17. Chisinau condemns the "initiative", calling it "inopportune" and "abusive".

"The delegation of the Republic of Moldova condemns such inappropriate "initiatives" in the context of the regional security situation, but also abusive, considering that they did not obtain the approval of the Joint Control Commission. The demonstrative and repeated resort to such uncoordinated actions is further evidence of a brutal violation of the principles of the peacekeeping mission on the Nistru River," the Reintegration Policy Office announces.

Chisinau publicly warns about the possible unwanted consequences of these actions, which it categorizes as "provocative", and calls on all components of the Joint Peacekeeping Forces to abandon their implementation, in order to avoid destabilizing the situation in the Security Zone.

We mention that the authorities of the Republic of Moldova have been asking for several years, so far without success, to replace the military mission in the security zone with one of civilian observers, under international auspices. The change in the structure and mission of the "pacification troops" was also supported by observers and mediators from the 5+2 negotiation format, currently non-functional, due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Only Russia and the Tiraspol administration spoke against it, which insists on the idea that the presence of Russian "pacifiers" is a "guarantee of peace" in the region.

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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