
Gribincea Re-enters Race for Supreme Court Judge

The founder of the Legal Resources Center in Moldova (CRJM), Vladislav Gribincea, has re-entered the race for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ).

This occurs after the Superior Council of Magistracy admitted Gribincea's file during the May 28 meeting, having previously rejected it because it was incomplete.

Vladislav Gribincea attended the CSM meeting on May 28. The lawyer explained why the submitted file did not include the medical certificate or the two references from well-known individuals, as required by the regulations. According to him, not presenting these documents before the competition did not affect the administrative procedure at all. Gribincea states that, even if he delayed submitting the documents, the previous decision of the CSM to declare his file inadmissible was unfounded.

The jurist said he requested the reexamination of the file for the magistrate position at CSJ only to ensure that the CSM members made a correct and vigilant decision regarding him.

"Regarding the medical certificate, I want to mention that the health condition can be checked until the competition is completed. In such a circumstance, there is a basis to withdraw that decision. Maybe if there had been better communication, this situation would not have occurred. I did not receive any directive from CSM and did not present that certificate. How did some candidates receive the directive, and others did not?" said Vladislav Gribincea.

Moreover, the lawyer reiterated that the CSM decision is illegal because the legislation does not stipulate that reviews from well-known individuals in the field constitute evaluation criteria.

"Reviews would be appropriate for a beginner judge, but for a judge at CSJ, I do not understand why these are necessary. I have studied the regulation regarding the selection of judges, the criteria, and the sources of evaluation. Reviews are not mentioned there as evaluation criteria; therefore, in my opinion, they are not useful for the competition. Excluding a person from the competition for delaying the reviews is illegal; it is not required by law, and I cannot be excluded from the competition," added the jurist.

"The May 21 decision is perfectly legal. At that time, the candidate did not present the valid medical certificate to the Council members, but today CSM had the existing medical certificate dated from that time. The candidate mentioned that his situation regarding passing the medical check is uncertain and he waited to be invited to the commission. CSM was convinced that, during his participation in the previous competition for the position of general prosecutor, the medical evaluation procedure was performed centrally," said the interim president of CSM, Sergiu Caraman.

The founder of the Legal Resources Center in Moldova (CRJM), Vladislav Gribincea, missed the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice. This happened after the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) found that the file submitted by the jurist was incomplete. Six other candidates who aspired to positions in CSJ received the green light from CSM on May 21. Among them was the current interim general prosecutor, Ion Munteanu.

CSM declared the following candidates admissible for filling the vacant positions of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice: Brigai Sergiu, Chirtoacă Leonid, Ciocanu Aliona, Corcenco Aliona, and Lealin Iuri. The file of the interim general prosecutor, Munteanu Ion, was also accepted.

Mariana Cherpec, recently appointed as a member of CSM, withdrew her candidacy from the competition, the Council announced. The file of Vladislav Gribincea was declared inadmissible, according to CSM, "due to the non-presentation in time of the medical certificate regarding the health condition and two references from well-known individuals."

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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